Padma Choling meets Niu Zhizhong

by Team FNVA

October 6, 2014

On Oct 3, Padma Choling (Vice Secretary of TAR Party Committee, Chairman of the Standing Committee of TAR People’s Congress) met Niu Zhizhong ( Chief of Chinese People’s Armed Police Department) and his entourage at Lhasa, who were in Tibet for inspection.

Wu Yingjie and Deng Xiaogang were also present in the meeting. Padma Choling welcomed Niu Zhizhong on behalf of the TAR Party Committee and Government and Party Secretary Chen Quanguo. He expressed gratitude for their support and concern for the Armed Police Department of Tibet in each of their projects related to the work of development and stability of Tibet. He said that the Tibet government and Party Committee were leading the masses of cadres from every ethnic group to strictly abide by the leadership of the Central Party for creating a stable and harmonious Tibet. “We strive for scientific development, harmony and stability, improvement in the livelihood of the people, unity among the ethnic groups, harmony in religion, good ecology, strong party and stability at the border” said Choling.

He also said that the officers and men of the Armed Police defend the snow-clad plateau all year round, obey the directions given by the party, serve the people, are brave and good at war and not scared to face difficulties and hardships, play an irreplaceable role in the development and stability of Tibet and form deep bonds with the people of Tibet.

“It is evident that the Armed Police of Tibet are competent; loyal to the party, the nation and the people. TAR Party Committee, TAR government and the masses of cadres are extremely satisfied with the work of the Tibetan Armed Police. We feel very encouraged and inspired by your visit to Tibet for inspecting the officers and men of the Armed Police. We hope that the Armed Police Department will keep showing its concern and support for the work of development and stability of Tibet.TAR will continue to develop and improve services for its Armed Police.”

Niu Zhizhong talked about the aim of his visit this time in brief and expressed his gratitude to the TAR Party Committee and Government for their concern and support for building the Armed Police. He congratulated them for the results achieved in the work of development and stability of Tibet and expressed his reverence for the officers and policemen who worked in the snow- clad plateau all year long. By obeying the party, serving the people and with their bravery, the Armed Police are not just developing their own selves but are also actively participating in the development of the region and are contributing to the realisation of the China Dream by helping build of a comprehensive well off society and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation.


The Commander of the Tibetan armed Police Song Baoshan and the Brigade Commissar Tang Xiao were present in the meeting.

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