Mixed Martial Arts Archives - fnvaworld.org https://fnvaworld.org/tag/mixed-martial-arts/ Himalaya Frontier Studies Thu, 28 Mar 2024 17:48:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 https://286358.n3cdn1.secureserver.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/fnalogo.ico?time=1720791919 Mixed Martial Arts Archives - fnvaworld.org https://fnvaworld.org/tag/mixed-martial-arts/ 32 32 192142590 Unsilenced: Voices of Young Tibetans https://fnvaworld.org/unsilenced-voices-of-young-tibetans-10/ Thu, 28 Mar 2024 17:47:31 +0000 https://fnvaworld.org/?p=28158 WATCH IT HERE : https://youtu.be/162u8XS_5Yw?si=dWzopCkJe5387sU9 Conversation with Tenzin Pema La Hosted by Tenzing Dhamdul, FNVA In this episode Tenzin Pema la shares with us…

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WATCH IT HERE : https://youtu.be/162u8XS_5Yw?si=dWzopCkJe5387sU9

Conversation with Tenzin Pema La
Hosted by Tenzing Dhamdul, FNVA

In this episode Tenzin Pema la shares with us her journey from a young girl growing up in the Himalayas and how drawing inspiration from the legendary boxer Muhammad Ali she embarked on a remarkable journey into the realm of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). During which she has won several medals representing India, the land of her birth.

In a recent demonstration of courage and determination, she prominently unfurled the Tibetan national flag at the Matrix Fight Night (MFN) 14 in Noida, India, drawing the admiration of thousands of Tibetan supporters who were there to support her in person. As she prepares for her upcoming bouts in the months ahead, we earnestly urge Tibetans and stakeholders alike to rally behind her endeavors.

Her journey is emblematic of resilience, highlighted by the daily trials she faces and the unwavering commitment to her rigorous training regimen, which serves as the cornerstone of her pursuit of excellence in the realm of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). Beyond personal achievement, she vocalizes a profound aspiration: to not only represent the Tibetan community on the global stage but also to serve as a beacon of inspiration and empowerment. Through her participation in MMA and her determination to excel, she seeks to contribute meaningfully to the advancement and upliftment of her fellow Tibetans.
Moreover, she envisions leveraging her expertise to establish comprehensive training programs, fostering a new generation of skilled athletes and instilling values of discipline and perseverance within the Tibetan community.

The post Unsilenced: Voices of Young Tibetans appeared first on fnvaworld.org.
