Teacher’s working meeting of Tibet was held at Lhasa on the occasion of the 30th teacher’s day

by Team FNVA

Just before the 30th teacher’s day, on the morning of 7 Sep 2014, TAR held a teacher’s working meeting at Lhasa. Chen Quanguo, Deng Xiaogang, Lobsang Gyaltsen and other leaders of the TAR shook hands with the participants attending the meeting.

Party Secretary of TAR, Chen Quanguo emphasised that the spirit of the series of important talks by Xi Jinping must be sincerely implemented and high importance should be attached to the work of education. He said the teachers must be loved and respected and efforts have to be made to promote healthy development of the mission of education in this positive atmosphere of respecting teachers and paying importance to education.

Lobsang Gyaltsen (Vice Secretary of the Party Committee of TAR, Chairman of TAR) attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Deng Xiaogang (Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of TAR, Secretary of the Political and Legal Standing Committee, Vice Chairman of the Autonomous Region), presided over the meeting. Ding Yexian, Zhou Chunlai, Gao Yang, A wang, among others, attended the meeting.

On the behalf of the TAR Party Committee and the government, Chen Quanguo gave his good wishes for convening the meeting and extended his warm and sincere greetings to teachers and people involved in the work of teaching in the TAR. He said that the teachers of TAR are passionate about teaching. They take their stage, work diligently to cultivate the minds of the people and nurture batches after batches of excellent people for the new socialist Tibet. He said, they continue to struggle against separatism, they keep a firm stand and unfold the struggle against the 14th Dalai Lama and his group. This way they make a very important contribution to the development and stability of the entire region. The Party and the government thank you, 3 million people of the various ethnic groups of the entire region thank you.

Lobsang Gyaltsen pointed out that every department at every level, every school and college must walk on the path of promoting the ‘leap-frog development’ and long term peace and stability of Tibet. He said that the teachers must realise the high demands of the China Dream of realising the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, completely acknowledge the extreme importance of developing a team of teachers, practically give primary importance to the work of teaching for further reform and opening up, always giving top priority to developing teaching ethics, ingraining respect for teachers and attaching importance to religion in the entire society, always make sure that standard material for teaching is made available, mould famous teachers and famous schools into windows for breakthrough, improve the system of teacher training and guarantee the system for giving rewards to good teachers. He further added that high quality teachers must be built who take a firm political stand, have high teaching ethics, are sincere in their jobs, are enough in number and are full of vigour and promote high quality and rapid development of the occupation of teaching in the region.

Lobsang Gyaltsen has entrusted the teachers and the people involved in the work of teaching with understanding the deeper connotation of being “a teacher of the people.” Being “a teacher of the people” is about conviction, responsibility, moral character, erudition, style of study and personal integrity. He hopes that the teachers and people involved in the work of teaching, love, respect and motivate their own selves, love their students, love their profession and integrate individual aspirations with their job, develop their ancestral land and the happiness of the people. He wants them to take up teaching books and foster people as their responsibility and mission and treat it as a sacrifice for the society.

“Be a model for the students, emphasise on lifelong learning, have high professional aspirations, wholeheartedly teach and influence your students, become their teacher as well as their friends and make a greater contribution so that a modern education system whose development has Chinese speciality and Tibetan characteristics.

Lobsang Gyaltsen demanded that building a strong team of teachers is a long term, systematic and an arduous process. It is a process in which the foundation is strengthened to reap long term benefits. It is an important task for all levels of the party committee and the government. He said that we must resolutely raise the standard of education on the base made by generations of party committees and governments. Every level and every department must strengthen the leadership of the organisation, have better communication and coordination and define their responsibilities.

In the end, Lobsang Gyaltsen said that the hope of building a new socialist Tibet rests upon education, and a good education lies in the hands of teachers. Under the right leadership of Xi Jinping and the policies of the party committee of TAR, we must decide our direction, have strong conviction, reform and innovate and develop a professional team of high quality teachers. We must work hard to impart such an education so that the people are satisfied and make greater contributions for promoting Tibet’s “leap frog development” and long term peace and stability.


During the meeting, representatives of advanced grass-root party organisations, excellent representative from teachers, excellent representatives from people involved in the work of education, representative of principles from school and colleges interacted and gave speeches.

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