Teesta River-The genesis of India-Bangladesh ‘watery’ relations

by Team FNVA

Dr. Ankit Srivastava
New Delhi Times
July 4, 2015

India and Bangladesh share 54 rivers between them-Ganga, Teesta and Feni being the prominent ones. As early as 1972, both countries set up a Joint River Commission for water management and followed up with the bilateral treaty of 1992 establishing a 30-year water-sharing agreement on Ganges. However the tensions between the neighbours on sharing of water resources shows no signs of abatement.

At the centre of it all is Teesta river- the life line of the Indian state of Sikkim. Originating from Pahunri glacier at a height of 7068 meters and fed by Zemu Glacier, Lake Cholamu and Lake Gurudongmar, Teesta flows through almost the entire length of Sikkim forming the border between Sikkim and West Bengal before joining the Brahmaputra as a tributary at Fulchori in Bangladesh. The river is 309 kilometres long draining an area of 12540 kilometres and known for changing course over the years. It used to run south from Jalpaiguri in three channels – the Karatova to the east, the Purnabhaba in the west and the Atrai at the centre – which probably gave the river its name ‘Trisrota’ implying ‘possessed of three streams’later on shortened to Teesta. The river earlier emptied into Ganga but after 1787 floods it forsook the old channel and rushed south east to join Brahmaputra. Entering Bangladesh as Jamuna and coursing through 45 kilometres of irrigable land, the river merges with Brahmaputra River. The ad-hoc water sharing agreement between India and Bangladesh in 1983 allocated 39% of water to India and 36% to Bangladesh but a permanent solution acceptable to all has eluded so far.

Teesta-the fourth largest river in South Asia- has multiple stakeholders thanks to its geographical profile. The seasonal variations in flows is the main villain since mean annual flow of 60 billion cubic metres is substantial during wet season but drops to meagre 500 million cubic metres (MCM) per month during the dry season i.e. October to April/May which is grossly inadequate. The Indian government and Sheikh Hasinas’ regime, after prolonged negotiations over 18 years, were poised to sign an agreement in 2013 allowing 50-50 allocation during lean season, leaving aside balance20% as environmental flow, but West Bengal cried out stating equal water-sharing arrangement as unfair.

Bangladesh’s vulnerability as a downstream riparian state and huge number of 54 rivers shared has rendered India-Bangladesh relationship a hostage to issues of water-sharing. Bangladesh presses for an equal sharing of water basically for two reasons. Firstly, basin dependence being higher than India’s—21 million in Bangladesh in contrast to 8 million in West Bengal and half a million in Sikkim-the current ad-hoc water-sharing arrangement is grossly inadequate for Bangladesh’s needs. Secondly, Gazaldoba barrage of West Bengal channelizes a large volume of water reducing historic flow to only 10% which adversely impacts Teesta Irrigation Project. India proposes to build 31 dams in upper catchment area in Sikkim, along with the 4 dams already underway. These are ‘run-off the river’ dams i.e. dams which do not impact river flows, but increased storage and evaporation will impact water availability downstream in lean season affecting the farmers. Siltation due to inadequate water flow will adversely affect the health of Teesta on Bangladesh stretch.

Given the growing irregularity in monsoon and ever rising population India’s water security is already under strain. According to Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis (IDSA) 2010 report ‘Water Security for India: The External Dynamics’ India is facing serious water resource problem of being ‘water stressed’ by 2025 and ‘water scarce’ by 2050.Central government may be within its right to enter into bilateral water-sharing agreements with other countries but water being a state subject India has to take West Bengal on board for any lasting solution. West Bengal has genuine concerns about water security for its northern region. Teesta seems to have dried up so equal sharing will leave West Bengal with insufficient water flow for irrigation and drinking water needs during lean season which led Manmohan Singh to appreciate ‘provincial sentiments’. How can the state give Bangladesh more water without meeting its own needs?

What is needed is not only a formal bilateral arrangement on water but a comprehensive management of concerns of basin inhabitants i.e. farmers, fishermen and villagers incorporating consensus of other stakeholders – concerned states and the central governments of both sides-for a lasting solution to the problem lingering for decades. Agreement holds the potential to transform the economy of the northern districts of West Bengal and north-western districts of Bangladesh. It will open the way for a Joint Investment Plan in Teesta basin to store flood water during summer for retrieval in dry months to augment water flow and introduce drought resistant crops

Pressure from Bangladesh not withstanding, the treaty remains a slow burner as India continues its efforts of domestic political consensus building. In search of a quick solution, Bangladesh may soften its stance and West Bengal should do the same through engagement with its people during electoral process in 2016. Bangladesh should be pragmatic enough not to insist on ‘equal’ right but ‘equitable’ sharing.

An early solution is a must in the best interests of fast evolving bilateral relations which now is in the pink of its health. Both countries, therefore, need to develop a well thought out, balanced treaty that will enable equitable sharing of the waters of Teesta, enhance bilateral ties, reduce the possibility of water conflict thereby ensuring a lasting humanitarian solution.

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