Three arrested in Tibet over recent Tibetan general elections

by Team FNVA
Tibet Post International
Molly Lortie
March 31, 2016

Tibet-Arrest-Election-2016The three arrested Tibetans are Samdup 40s, Lhakdon, and Rongsher, 29, from Martoe, Golok, north-eastern Tibet. Photo: TPI

Dharamshala — Chinese authorities have arrested three Tibetans, for alleged links with the recent Tibetan general elections, which took place at 85 locations around the world.The three were detained by Chinese police in the town of Chugo Desar village, Kyaring Yultso, part of Matoe County in Golok, north-eastern Tibet, on March 30 at around 10am.

“Three locals, including Samdup, a local leader, Rongsher, and Lhadon were forcibly arrested without explanation by four Chinese policemen,” sources told the Tibet Post International Friday.

An anonymous source from Tibet supplied a witness report and pictures to the TPI stating, “they were arrested due to a group chat they were added to the social media platform “WeChat”. Inside the group they were connected to debates regarding the recent Sikyong election in exile, which took place at 85 locations around the world.

They are being detained in the People’s Court of Matoe County and until now their family members have not been allowed to meet or contact them.”

Samdup, a 40 year old local of Chugo Desar village has acted for many years as a leader of the sixth camp of the settlement, and junior head of 140 households in the first, third and fifth camps.

Lhadon, family name Namgyal, is the mother of one son, Tsegyamlo, and one daughter, Darkar, ages 8 and 11.

Rongsher, a 29 year old local is married without children to Yangkyi.

Most parts of Tibet have suffered severe crackdowns and been under heightened restrictions and controls in the past six decades, that China calls it a “peaceful liberation”. But Tibetans describe a systematic repression, excluded from positions of power and imprisoned.

China’s invasion of Tibet and its continuous implementation of harsh policies to crackdown the freedom of Tibetans living inside Tibet have triggered Tibetans to resort to more extreme forms of resistance.

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