Tibet hit by aftershock of Afghanistan earthquake

by Team FNVA

October 27, 2015

The aftershocks caused minimal damage in Tibet, after a 7.5 magnitude quake left 335 dead in Afghanistan and Pakistan. (Photo: China News Service)

The aftershocks caused minimal damage in Tibet, after a 7.5 magnitude quake left 335 dead in Afghanistan and Pakistan. (Photo: China News Service)

Chaya county in Tibet was struck by a magnitude 4.2 aftershock at around 2:00 local time on Tuesday following the devastating earthquake which shook Afghanistan, northern Pakistan and parts of India on Monday, according to China News Service.

With an epicentre eight kilometres deep, tremors from the quake were felt all over the county, a magistrate said, adding that relief materials including tents had been dispatched to the affected area.

The aftershocks caused minimal damage with reports suggesting that just minor damage to walls had occurred.

Al Jazeera reports that 335 people have been confirmed dead in Afghanistan and Pakistan from the original 7.5 magnitude earthquake, with damaged communication lines making damage assessment difficult.

The epicentre is said to be a few hundred miles away from the site of the deadly 2005 earthquake that struck the country, killing over 80,000 people.

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