Tibet issue: NCP urges Centre, Arunachal Pradesh govt to review China policy

by Team FNVA

The Times of India
June 17, 2013

The Arunachal Pradesh unit of NCP has urged both the Centre and state government to review the policy towards China and support the Tibetan cause.

Describing the violations of basic human rights of the Tibetans by the Chinese authorities, especially in matters of culture and religion, and aggressive marginalization of the Tibetans through economic imperialism and exploitation of its huge water and mineral resources as extremely upsetting, the party urged to the leadership to realize the gravity of the Tibetan problems and start an early review of India’s approach towards China.

“The innumerable instances of self-immolation in various pockets of Tibet and the growing unrest amongst Buddhist monks throughout the globe are matters of international concern and speak volume of the grave situation,” party state unit president Kahfa Bengia said on Sunday.

“The greatest foreign policy blunder committed by the Centre was accepting Tibet and their problems as internal issues of China. This sort of soft, timid and ambiguous approach by India led to Chinese Aggression in 1962,” he said.

To begin a change in paradigm shift in policies, the Centre should not only support the Tibetan cause internationally, but also allow the voices within the nation, particularly of Arunachal, who are the worst victims of Chinese occupation to ventilate their concerns for Tibetan refugees in India, as well as those in Tibet, he said.

The spontaneous formation of Tibet Support Group (TSG) with participation of prominent leaders like R K Khrimey, Anok Wangsa, Kabak Tacho and many others, including leaders from various political parties in the state, extending their unconditional support to Tibetan cause is a welcome beginning, Bengia said.

The Arunachalis living in border pockets of Taksing, Limeking, Singha, Geling, Monigong, Charli, Damin, Mago and Thimbu among others are leading a wretched life with no facilities of pakka road, electricity, telecommunication, healthcare and modern educational amenities, essential commodities only because of fear psychosis of the policy makers of Indian mainstream of another Chinese aggression, he added.

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