Tibetan Caravans: Journeys from Leh to Lhasa

Authored by Abdul Wahid Radhu

by Tenzing Dhamdul
  • Reviewed by Tenzing Dhamdul, FNVA Research Associate
The reading of this book was initially inspired and suggested by the trustees at FNVA, when I had to study and learn more about Tibetan Muslims in preparation of my FNVA’s Unsilenced: Voices of Young Tibetans podcast. Eventually what was intended as a reading material turned out into an inspiration and budding reverence of my own Tibetan heritage. I cannot recommend this book enough to readers, which was in its initial edition read and translated in English under the title ‘Islam in Tibet: Tibetan Caravans’, in understanding Tibet and its age-old relationship with the Himalayas. As a Tibetan whose family, like thousands of other Tibetans had been forced to flee Tibet due to unrestricted violence and mass killing of Tibetans by the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), my tryst with Tibet began from their stories.  ‘Click enter on the dialog box below for the entire book review.’

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