Vice president urges mass organizations to improve work, services

by Team FNVA

July 9, 2015

BEIJING, July 8 (Xinhua) — Vice President Li Yuanchao on Wednesday urged mass organizations to broaden service functions via innovation and serve the public enthusiastically.

Li made the remarks while meeting with leaders of the Communist Youth League Central Committee, All-China Women’s Federation, China Association of Science and Technology, and All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese.

Mass organizations represent people from different lines of work or age groups, such as trade unions, youth leagues and women’s groups.

Li urged officials of the mass organizations to learn the spirit of President Xi Jinping’s speech, which he made at a conference on improving mass organizations that finished Tuesday.

The work of mass organizations is an important component of the Communist Party of China’s work, as they are the channels that connect the public with the Party, Xi said.

Mass organizations should mobilize the citizens to closely unite around the CPC and converge people’s passion for better life into a strong force… and jointly work for the realization of the Chinese Dream of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, Xi said.

Li asked mass organizations to further engage with the masses, focus more on the grass roots, and serve them wholeheartedly.

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