Dharamshala — Chinese authorities in Beijing have reportedly arrested seven members of the Vietnam – Tibet Alliance (VTA) after distributing thousands of leaflets in Tienanmen Square, condemning Chinese policy on Tibet and Vietnam.The group said that they performed a campaign to distribute thousands of leaflets in Tienanmen Square – Beijing, on June 24, 2016. The current condition and whereabouts of the four Tibetans remains unknown.
“The leaflets providing information, condemning the Communist Party of China on its scheme of assimilation of the Tibetans in Tibet and its plan of domination of Vietnam,” they said in a statement, adding that the “campaign began at 13.15pm local time.”
The seven members, four men and three women; ‘Mrs Nguyen Thi Ngoc Hanh, 60, a Founder and Leader of the Vietnam – Tibet Alliance, Mr Tran Ngoc Phuong, 72, from Vietnam, Mr Doan Viet Khanh, a Vietnamese origin who carries Laos nationality. The four Tibetan members are Mr Phuntsok, 34, Mr Tsering, 24, Ms Singay Choedon, 26, and Mrs Dawa Dhondup, 43,’ Mrs Ngoc Hanh added. However the details, include their arrest, whereaboust and current condition, could not be immediately confirmed.
Beijing police have detained them after they distributed thousands of leaflets in Tienanmen Square, criticizing the repressive policies of the Chinese government toward Tibet and Vietnam.
“The police want to link this demonstration with the plot of a bomb attack on June 12 at Shanghai’s Pudong International Airport. But all the accusations had no grounds as the Vietnam – Tibet Alliance had nothing to do with any such attacks,” Mrs Ngoc Hanh told the TPI.
“On June 26, 2016, Beijing police decided to deport the following persons to their country of residence,” the statement said, claiming that “Mrs Ngoc Hanh to France, Mr Phuong to Vietnam and Mr Khanh to Laos respectively, as they are citizens of foreign countries.”
“There is no information on the situation of the four detained Tibetans right now,” Mrs Hanh further added, saying, “Mr Phuong might have been arrested by Vietnamese police, but there has been no information after 48 hours of the deportation.”
Speaking to the TPI, Dharamshala VTA President Thupten Tenzin has praised the courage of those who had engaged in the peaceful protest in the Chinese capital. “We should also take small steps like this, to continue the struggle for Tibetan freedom.”