Xi highlights strategic relationship with Myanmar

by Team FNVA

Li Xiaokun
China Daily
April 27, 2015

China and Myanmar should maintain peace and stability on their border and look at their relationship from a strategic viewpoint, President Xi Jinping said on Monday.

Xi made the remarks as he met a delegation from the Union Solidarity and Development Party of Myanmar, which is led by its chairman U Shwe Mann.

Five Chinese citizens were killed last month by bombs dropped on Chinese territory by Myanmar.

The incident happened during clashes between Myanmar government forces and a rebel group called the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army. Thousands of refugees fled to China as fighting flared on the Myanmar side of the border.

Myanmar has accepted responsibility and apologized for the incident.

Xi said the fundamental reason behind the two countries’ good relations over the past 65 years is that “we have always respected each others’ core interests and major concerns and fully understand and support each other on key issues”, according a press release issued after the meeting.

China and Myanmar should regard the relationship from a strategic and long-term viewpoint, maintain peace and stability on the border and carry out policies that will benefit the people and development of the two nations, Xi added.

The two economies are highly complementary, and have huge potential through working together, Xi said, and China follows the principle of mutual benefit in cooperation with other countries.

Beijing’s plans of regional cooperation such as the “Belt and Road” initiatives and the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank aim to “have other countries, especially friendly neighbors such as Myanmar, benefit from China’s development”.

The “Belt and Road” initiative refers to the “Silk Road Economic Belt” and the “21st Century Maritime Silk Road”.

The president also asked the two countries to properly handle difficulties in cooperation and adhere to the right direction.

U Shwe Mann said Myanmar appreciates China’s long-term and selfless help to Myanmar and is determined to develop the comprehensive and cooperative partnership with China.

The Union Solidarity and Development Party of Myanmar also expects to deepen communication and cooperation with the Communist Party of China in a comprehensive manner, he said.

The visit of U Shwe Mann, who is also speaker of Myanmar’s House of Representatives and Union Parliament, came at the invitation of the CPC.

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