Zhang Yijiong supervises and gives direction to the work of combating terrorism and of maintaining security and stability

by Team FNVA

Date of publishing: Jul 10, 2014

Zhang Yijiong invigilated and gave direction to the work of combating terrorism and of maintaining security and stability. Wu Yingjie and Deng Xiaogang accompanied him (Zhang Yijiong) on separate ocassions.

7-8 July. The Deputy Minister of the standing committee of the UFWD (United Front Works Department), Zhang Yijiong led the working group to superwise and give directions to the work of combating terrorism and of maintaining security and stability in Tibet. He visited and greeted the masses of cadres from every ethnic group.

Wu Yingjie (The Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee), Deng Xiaogang (Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Vice- Chairman of the Standing Committee of the autonomous region & Secretary of the Political and Legal Standing Committee) and Dong Mingjun (The Vice Chairman of the autonomous region) accompanied him in supervising and giving directions. During the investigation and research, Zhang Yijiong paid a special visit to Phagpala Geleg Namgyal (the Vice-Chairman of the CPPCC (Chineses People’s Political Consultative Conference) National Committee and the Chairman of the Tibet Autonomous Regional Committee) and Panchen Lama Gyaltsen Norbu (Member of the advisory body of the National Committee of the CPPCC and the Vice-President of the Buddhist Association of China).

In Basha village of Burang County, Zhang Yijiong visited and cordially greeted officers and men of the armed police, the fire fighting department, men responsible for defending the border, special police force for combating terrorism as well as men from all departments and fields that join to make the force for combating terrorism and maintaining peace and stability. They had been to Ngari prefecture for training. Zhang Yijiong pointed out that these officers and men (during their training in Ngari) had faced extreme cold, oxygen deficient and bad environmental conditions, but they did their utmost and sincerely carried out their duty. They set good example of not fearing hard work and fighting constantly, guaranteed that the great religious activity was carried out smoothly and in an orderly manner, upheld the continued harmony and stability of the Ngari prefecture thus making an important contribution to the overall situation of reform, development and stability of Tibet. On behalf of UFWD, he expressed his heartfelt gratitude and respect to everyone. He hoped that everyone would continue to make unremitting efforts and carry out every task well so that Tibet achieves continued stability, long term stability and comprehensive stability and thus making the central party feel at ease and the people of every ethnicity satisfied. At the same time, Ngari is located at a high altitude, the weather is not steady and the conditions are difficult. So, everybody must look after their health.

At the Xieerwa border check point at Sexiong, Burang county, Zhang Yijiong visited and cordially greeted the officers and men on duty to get a detailed understanding of how well equipped, well prepared and diligent they were, the scope of their duties, what work they did etc. and also gave full approval to every work being done at the border check point. Zhang Yijiong asked the officers and men on duty to fully understand the serious and complicated situation, have a greater sense of mission, responsibility, urgency and to stand guard and to keep watch for the party and for the people.

At the Kejia temple, Zhang Yijiong got a detailed understanding about the protection of cultural relics and the living conditions of the monks. Zhang Yijiong hopes that the monks would humbly work for self improvement, raise the level of their accomplishments, bring benefit and happiness to all living things, love the country and love the religion, resolutely fight against the separatist and harmful activities of the group of the 14 generations of Dalai Lamas, resolutely safeguard the integrity of the motherland and the unity of the ethnic groups. The cadres stationed at the temple must wholeheartedly form pairs with the monks and make friends with the monks, must do the practical work of management and of offering their services, must mobilise the masses of the monks to love the country and follow the law, must actively make Tibetan Buddhism compatible to the socialist society, jointly create a positive environment of security and harmony. Every department concerned must give great importance to the work of protecting cultural relics of the temple, protecting and promoting the cultural heritage of the nationality.

While at Ngari, Zhang Yijiong paid a visit to and greeted the department staff of the United Front Department (UFD) both at the local and at the county level. He demanded that the party’s policy of ethnic religion must be sincerely implemented, the standard of managing the work of the ethnic religion as per the law must be raised comprehensively and the important role of the United Front in safeguarding the unity among the Tibetan ethnicities, safeguarding the harmony in religion and harmony in society must be brought into play.

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