Zhao Zhengyuan Investigates the project of Shanxi’s aid to Tibet

by Team FNVA

Date of publishing: 19-7-2014

16 July: Zhao Zhengyong (Deputy Secretary of CPC Shaanxi provincial committee and Governor of Shaanxi Provincial People’s Government) led the team of the party government delegates to Gar county of Ngari prefecture to investigate the project of Shaanxi’s aid to Tibet. They visited and greeted the cadres aiding Tibet. He emphasised that Shaanxi will sincerely implement the new order of the Central Party regarding the work of giving aid to Tibet. He said that they will incorporate Ngari’s development into the overall plan of the Shaanxi province, start formulating the 13th 5 year plan of Shaanxi at the earliest and give impetus to Ngari Prefecture’s new developmental breakthrough.

Padma Choling (Chairman of TAR people’s Congress, deputy secretary of the provincial party) and Jiang Zelin(Standing committee member of CPC Shaanxi Provincial Committee and Vice Governor of Shaanxi Provincial People’s Government) carried out the investigation together.

The border line passes through the Qujue village of Zhaxigang township, Gar County .On Aug 2011, the Shaanxi Province fund for aiding Tibet donated 21million Yuan to Qujue village for making it a model border village by promoting economic development of the border area, unity among the ethnic groups and consolidation of the border.

Waking into the Qujue model border village, one can see an irregular arrangement with charming effect which is filled with Tibetan characteristics. There are good water, electricity, road and communication facilities. Facilities like Solar energy street lights and gymnasium equipments are also available. Zhao Zhengyuan had close interaction with the village cadres, members of the working group stationed at the village, the security personnel responsible for guarding the border, to get a detailed understanding of the situation of building of the modal village, the situation of the village party branch, and the village committee. He pointed out that TAR party committee and the government is sincerely implementing every policy that is beneficial to the people and that will bring prosperity to the border areas. The appropriate leadership of Shaanxi’s working Group that is aiding Tibet and the leadership of the Ngari prefecture, is handling different affairs, solving the problems that are being faced and making the masses of the village taste the fruits of the reform and development. These have been widely appreciated by the masses.

Suonan Wangzha has been a member of the party for more than 20 years now and is a democratically elected joint guarantor of the village. Zhao Zhengyong went to his place and asked about his welfare, talked of development and change, and got a clear understanding of their productive activities. Suonan Wangzha told him that ever since Shaanxi has started giving aid to Tibet, a lot has been done for the Gar County. The villagers now living in clean houses, the public services were getting better each day, the annual income of his own family has increased to 30,000 Yuan and he is the first person from the village who has become richer with the use of Science and technology. All these changes have been made possible by Shaanxi’s aid to Tibet.

After hearing Suonan Wangzha out, Zhao Zhengyong commented that Shaanxi Province has responded positively to the call of the central government and it definitely will do its best to provide aid to Tibet. It will help make the lives of the people of the County better.

After he came to know of Suonan Wangzha’s children attending the inland Tibet classes, and about his son having married and settled with a girl of Han nationality , Zhao Zhengyong was extremely happy. He said that there was a Tibet middle school in Shaanxi too and was overjoyed to come across a family where the ethnic groups had merged. A harmonious home forms the basis of a society. He wished them a happy life ahead.

The fund Shaanxi is providing to build the tourism infrastructure is the pillar of the tourism hub project of the Gar county. There is a plan for developing a site for a group of related enterprises like a tourist hub, a disaster management centre, gymnasium for everyone etc. Among these enterprises, the project of building an open air theatre will be the first of its kind in entire Tibet. Zhao Zhengyong got a detailed understanding of the plan of the project and demanded that the management and the building of the project be further strengthened and all that can be done be done to raise the income of the peasants and the herdsmen.

Zhao Zhengyong also investigated the condition of Shaanxi-Ngari experimental educational institution project and also made a base for it. He pointed out that the institute, once built, will greatly improve the situation and raise the level of mandatory education. It will be a big step in solving the problem of education for the children of peasants and herdsmen of the Gar County and the people living in the city. It would also solve the problem of quality education for people who go to the cities for work. He demanded assurance for the project quality. This will increase the pace of human resource development and is an important contribution for the healthy development of education in the Ngari region. During the investigations, the provincial party delegates of the Shaanxi province, Ngari local committee, the administrative office as well as the seventh batch of cadres sent from Shaanxi to aid Tibet, held a conference. Discussions on the work of the seventh batch of cadres sent by Shaanxi province were held.

Zhao Zhengyong said that with combined efforts of the cadres in the Ngari prefecture, the society has been stable, the infrastructure is improving consistently and the quality of people’s life is improving. The standard of education has been raised and the economic growth has been in double digits all along. An important contribution has been made for protecting the unity of our motherland and the ethnic groups. “On behalf of the Shaanxi party committee, the provincial government and the 37 million cadres of Shaanxi province, I congratulate and pay my tributes to the TAR party committee, the government and the cadres of Ngari prefecture”.

Zhao Zhengyong pointed out that this is the 20th anniversary of Shaanxi aid to Tibet. Since 20 years, the provincial government has attached a lot of importance to the work of aiding Tibet. Tibet has been supported in a big way in the fields of economy, cadres, technology, education etc. It is really gratifying for the provincial committee and the provincial government, to see that the cadres aiding Tibet, have learnt so much from the cadres of Ngari, have overcome hurdles, the outstanding manner in which they have carried out the task given to them by the Shaanxi province and the TAR, and the way in which they have won the trust of the local cadres. I hope that the Shaanxi cadres aiding Tibet will merge with the group of local cadres as soon as possible, and see oneself as a cadre from Ngari. They must treasure the opportunity, make good use of the platform given to them to work hard and become a person worthy of respect, merge and carry forward the spirit of Yanan, “the old Tibet” and Ngari. They should obey the leaders of TAR and Ngari, carry out the work being assigned to them and make use of the age old experience of the party and the people.

Zhao Zhengyong stressed that we have to sincerely implement the new demands of the Central government related to the work of aiding Tibet, embed the development of Ngari in the overall plan of Shaanxi, formulate Shaanxi’s 13th five year plan of aiding Tibet at the earliest, make the construction of public services infrastructure and the improvement of the livelihood of the people the focal point of aiding Tibet and promote the building of the major projects. One should do every work of aiding Tibet in accordance to the unity deployment of the TAR, build and develop Ngari and build a comprehensive well off society in Ngari in pace with the rest of the country, by 2020-a society where they have public services are at par with the rest of the country.

A joint investigation by Doje Cezhug (the Vice chairman of TAR ), Duan Xiangzheng (Secretary General of TAR people’s Congress) and Liang Jia (the party secretary of the North –West Forestry University)

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